A support to the promotion of economic development and food security through the funding of local development
The Support Program to Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship (PADEAR in French) is an IFAD programme in Senegal for which UNCDF provides technical expertise to design the Local Development Fund approach and to follow up the implementation of the food security initiatives, aiming at the growth of agricultural productions, putting at the centre of their interventions the organizations of producers, their umbrella group and the market operators involved in the value chain of the Tambacounda, Kolda, Matam and Kédougou regions. The priority sectors identified are:
- The cereal sector (rice, millet, corn, sorgho and fonio)
- The horticultural and Niébé sectors
- The small ruminants sector
The LDF approach of UNCDF enables a better involvement of the local authorities in the execution of the programmes and the appropriations of the achievements.
A global and transformative vision
UNCDF and IFAD adopt an approach that places the organizations of producers at the hearth of the intervention. The PADAER programme has the ambition to transform the agriculture of subsistence into a form of agriculture economically profitable, making sure that the organizations of producers can provide feasible economic services. Eventually, the final objective is the organizational and functional autonomy of these organizations so that they can secure to their members quantitative and qualitative productions and the access to markets that allow them to have a better compensation for their efforts.
The programme is based on an implementing strategy that takes into account the diversity of situations by creating the conditions for the autonomy of producers, through multi-form actions: training, partnership, the creation of production infrastructures and markets. The programme encourages private initiatives upstream and downstream of the production sectors.